simulacra labs

omg im remembering how fun this was, basically this was a time when i was really obsessed with langchain - i was just playing around a lot with their js and py sdks and i noticed that there were these rlly interesting classes called generative agents that only existed in the py sdk, like langchain at the time (i’m not sure of their state now) was bifurcated between the js and py abstractions, where the py lib was always ahead of the js one and they were never at parity because the py sdk was developed first, and so i “translated” the generative agent abstractions from py to ts because i wanted to build like a next.js app with these agents and there was no way to do so since they didn’t exist in ts LMAO

then i started using these agents a lot and i started working on a 2d map where the agent would be let loose and perform actions on their own, with the eventual goal of building a full-fledged game where instead of NPCs, one would interact with NPAs (Non-Playable Agents lmao) that would remember things from your interactions and use those things to make your next interactions better!

i stopped working on this bc i simply wasn’t excited to work on it every day, i feel like for a lot of long-term projects one should try to push through the days where your adrenal glands are not maxxing out with excitement to work on it but at the time i was really just trying to find something fun + stimulating to work on.